Consultancy, planning and

Manufacturing support during development and design.
Cubic parts and rotating parts
- Production of prototypes
- Small volumes
- High volumes of over 100,000 pieces
- Procurement of raw materials
- Surface and heat treatment with external partners
Our strenghts will also convince you

- Extensive customer service
- All-inclusive service
- We fulfill the highest requirements
- High flexibility
- High quality level – best product quality
- Hugh experience – large know-how
- Modern machinery

Expansion and maintenance of the partnership - the philosophy of
Rau AG

Partnership and quality:
The central company policy of Rau AG is also the basis of its success: Development and maintenance of a good partnership relationship with customers and suppliers. An open and honest policy with the emphasis on quality, delivery reliability and affordability belong to the maxims of this successful comapnies.
About us in figures

- 1955 founded
- 86 employees, of what are 15 apprentices
Manufacturing capacity:
- Serial production of rotation parts
(approx. 110’000 hours / year) - Serial production of cubic parts
(approx. 80’000 hours / year) - Assembling (approx. 52’000 hours / year)
49 CNC
4’200 m2
manufacturing area
6’000 m2
premises area